Regular cannabis seeds have become more prominent in the past decades; their wide recognition is due to their numerous health benefits. These seeds are the trending varieties of cannabis with exceptional germination properties. Regular cannabis seeds have equal chances of germinating male or female plants, but the feminized seeds have 99% chances of growing female plants. The production circle starts from the male pollen used by the female plant to produce seeds. Cannabis is classified as a dioecious plant because production involves both sexes to create seeds.
Feminized seeds have a simple base for those interested in the high level of THC in cannabis. However, regular cannabis seeds still have a stand to continue the existence of the cannabis plant.
Regular Cannabis Seeds: What are They?
Regular seeds, often referred to as the original or authentic seeds, are cannabis seeds that produce naturally. The name is due to the equal possibility of growing male or female plants. Most breeders prefer the existing hybrid seeds to the original seeds because of their altered properties. Cannabis breeders neglect these seeds because the male plants are eliminated during breeding to allow female buds to germinate better.
What is a Feminized Cannabis Seed?
Feminized seeds produce mainly female plants. These seeds are genetically altered to create a 99% chance for female buds. The process involves using two female flowers to pollinate without the male plant. Thus, the plant produces no male flowers. The commercial sectors are the significant purchasers of these feminized seeds. They are interested in having a large and first-grade quality harvest of marijuana.
What are the Advantages of Regular Seeds?
Each regular seed has distinctive properties that differentiate it from others. Even as they are neglected, genetics is superb and preferable for consumption. Since they are still pure and not genetically grown, the genes produced from regular seeds are unlimited. You can also use these new choices to start a unique variety. Some of the benefits of growing regular seeds are:
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