Neck pain may cause severe discomfort and restrict your ability to move and perform other physical functions. However, Physical Therapy in Amityville, NY, is a safe and effective treatment option that alleviates neck pain and improves overall neck function. This article will explore all you can expect from physical therapy for neck pain at Summit Physical Therapy.

Causes of Neck Pain

  • Injury: Traumatic events, such as motor accidents, collisions during sports, falls, or other situations, may cause neck injuries. Whiplash is a common example of a neck injury that may cause severe pain. This condition is the forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck caused by sudden force during events like motor accidents.

Other examples of injuries that may cause severe pain and neck immobility include neck sprain/strain, herniated disc, fractured cervical spine, pinched nerve, etc. Neck injuries damage the neck, its muscles, ligaments, and nerves.

  • Poor posture: Poor head posture can strain the neck muscles because it increases the stress on the cervical spine (neck). Poor posture during prolonged sitting periods and other activities can increase the head’s weight, doubling or tripling the load on the neck. This may stiffen the neck muscles, subsequently leading to neck pain.
  • Muscle strain: A muscle strain is an overuse injury occurring when a muscle is stretched too far until it tears. Neck strains can also be caused by sudden movements that stretch the neck muscles unexpectedly. You may experience severe neck pain if you strain your neck due to awkward sleeping positions, long hours of being hunched over a computer or smartphone, poor posture, etc.
  • Nerve compressions: The neck houses and protects the nerves going from the body to and fro the head, which are vital structures. However, herniated discs and bone spurs may press on nerves branching away from the spinal cord, compressing the nerves. Compressed nerves in the neck can lead to severe pain, muscle weakness, and numbness in the neck and other body parts.
  • Degenerative conditions: These diseases affect the structures and functions of tissues and organs, worsening over time. Degenerative conditions that may affect the neck include osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, etc. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, caused by the breakdown of tissues and cartilage in the joint. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of spaces in the spine that put pressure on nerves in the neck. These degenerative conditions cause severe pain and restrict mobility and function.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

Neck pain doesn’t necessarily come as a lone symptom. People experience other symptoms like:

  • Sharp pain in the neck, upper back, shoulders, arms, or hands
  • Muscle tightness and spasms
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Stiffness or inability to move the head in another direction
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the neck and hands
  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Difficulty sleeping due to discomfort in the neck
  • Increased pain when sneezing, coughing, reaching for objects, or performing other actions that require neck movement
  • Loss of certain reflexes

The Role of Physical Therapy in Treating Neck Pain

Physical therapy in Amityville, NY,  is a healthcare profession that employs non-invasive yet effective techniques to relieve pain, restore physical function and mobility, and prevent reinjury in people of all ages and genders. Physical therapy aims to achieve much more than pain relief when you undergo Neck Pain Therapy in Merrick. The following are some of the roles of physical therapy in treating neck pain:

  • Pain relief and management of other symptoms
  • Strengthening of the neck muscles
  • Improved mobility, flexibility, and physical function
  • Enhanced posture and ergonomics
  • Improved overall quality of life

What to Expect During Neck Pain Therapy in Merrick

The following are physical therapy techniques you should expect when visiting a physical therapist in Amityville for neck pain treatment:

Initial Assessment

This is the first step in physical therapy. Before applying any physical therapy techniques, your physical therapist thoroughly evaluates your medical condition and symptoms for proper diagnosis, determines the severity of your condition, and chooses the most suitable treatment methods. This assessment may include reviewing your medical history, thorough physical examination, and other diagnostic tests. Your physical therapist may ask questions about previous injuries, surgeries, underlying conditions, and lifestyle choices. The physical examination may entail a range of motion tests, postural assessments, and identification of pain triggers. You may also require diagnostic tests like X-rays, MRI scans, etc.

Development of a Treatment Plan

Your physical therapist will use the assessment results to develop a unique and personalized treatment plan that caters to your needs and short-term or long-term treatment goals. A physical therapy treatment plan for neck pain typically entails pain management techniques and other modalities to alleviate pain and restore function so that your neck can feel as good as new.

Patient Education

Physical therapists may apply physical therapy techniques to treat neck pain and also provide education on neck pain and self-care techniques that help manage pain and prevent future injuries.

Physical Therapy Techniques for Neck Pain Treatment

The following are some of the most common physical therapy techniques that physical therapists may include in your personalized treatment plan to meet your needs and achieve your treatment goals:

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a pain management technique in physical therapy that utilizes a hands-on method to relieve musculoskeletal pain and improve physical function. During physical therapy for neck pain, your physical therapist may employ various manual therapy techniques to ensure you can move your neck with little to no discomfort. Some common manual therapy techniques include massage, joint mobilization/manipulation, trigger point release, dry needling, soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, etc.

Exercise Therapy

Therapeutic exercises refer to movements and physical activities designed by physical therapists to restore physical function, improve strength, and reduce pain in people suffering from musculoskeletal conditions. This physical therapy technique is effective and suitable for neck pain treatment. Common therapeutic exercises for neck pain treatment include stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility, strengthening exercises to strengthen the neck muscles, range of motion exercises to allow the neck to turn in different directions without pain, etc.

Postural Training

Poor posture is one of the most common causes of neck pain. Therefore, some physical therapists may incorporate postural training into your treatment plan for neck pain to prevent future complications. Postural training may include exercises to help you maintain the proper posture while performing various activities and making ergonomic adjustments in your work and home environment.

Other physical therapy modalities that a physical therapist may include in your neck pain treatment plan to alleviate pain, restore physical function, and improve range of motion include heat or cold therapy, ultrasound therapy, and electrical stimulation.

These and many more are techniques, methods, and modalities you can expect when visiting a physical therapist in Amityville for neck pain treatment. The duration and frequency of neck pain treatment sessions may vary, depending on the severity of your neck pain. However, your physical therapist will monitor your treatment progress and adjust your treatment plan as and when due.


Neck pain causes severe discomfort and may limit your mobility and physical function. This condition can limit your ability to carry out basic activities of daily living. If you suffer from neck pain, you should consider undergoing physical therapy at Summit Physical Therapy.


Tags: Physical Therapy

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