Category: Health

  • Freshly slaughtered bush meat is being consumed even though it may have health risks. BULAWAYO, May 18 2023 (IPS) – Meat from wild animals is relished across Africa and widely traded, but scientists are warning that eating bush meat is a potential health risk, especially in the wake of pandemics like COVID-19. A at the…

  • Women outside an emergency vehicle aimed at helping those affected by flooding. CREDIT: Ashfaq Yusufzai/IPS PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN , Aug 18 2023 (IPS) – Torrential monsoon rains have left the people, especially women, in crisis as they are still grappling to recover from the last year’s floods in Pakistan. “We are yet to return to normal…

  • Food and Agriculture for Climate Justice action by Climate Action Network International at COP28 Credit: COP28/Neville Hopwood DUBAI & SRINAGAR, INDIA, Dec 21 2023 (IPS) – Durga Das*, a 59-year-old farmer from the Indian state of Maharashtra, committed suicide last year by ingesting a poisonous substance. He was unable to repay the loan he had…

  • Aigerim Yelgeldy, a third-generation survivor, speaks at the panel during the screening of “I Want To Live On”. Credit: Naureen Hossain UNITED NATIONS, Nov 29 2023 (IPS) – This week in New York, nuclear arms and the efforts to abolish these weapons will reign paramount. Since its adoption in 2017 and its subsequent implementation in…

  • Community health workers demand to be recognised as formal workers with pay and benefits to match. Credit: Zofeen T. Ebrahim KARACHI, Oct 19 2023 (IPS) – “Professionally, I am still where I was 23 years ago when I started working as a lady health worker (LHW),” said a disgruntled Yasmin Siddiq, 47, from Karachi. “I…

  • Credit: UNICEF/Abdulazeem Mohamed   War in Sudan is putting the future of its 24 million youngest citizens at risk, the Representative of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned. January 2024   Meanwhile geopolitical and geoeconomic fragmentation threaten the development and survival of children across the globe. But a more hopeful path exists. UNITED NATIONS, Feb…

  • The Al-Helal Al-Emirati maternity hospital in Rafah is one of the last remaining functioning health facilities in southern Gaza. Midwives are delivering more than 70 babies per day in dire conditions and while drastically under-supplied. Credit: UNFPA Palestine/Bisan Ouda UNITED NATIONS, May 10 2024 (IPS) – As millions of children and families celebrate their mothers,…

  • Credit: Oritro Karim NEW YORK, Jul 17 2024 (IPS) – Cities, once thought to be modern utopias that foster innovation, inclusivity, and commerce, actually ended up being hubs for environmental degradation. Although the concept of urban living is inextricable from humanity, there are proposed ways to make them less environmentally taxing. One such solution is…